SHOCK Coffee lovers unite!
We love that you want to share your experience with us and other SHOCK Coffee lovers out there! It's super-easy to add a review to our site. It's not necessary to log in, or even to have an account with us to write a review (but please feel free to create an account if you want!). We know there are lots of other places out there besides our website to get your hands on our tasty elixir, and we want to hear from you too!
To write a review, simply:
- Go to the page of the product you want to review
- Scroll down the page to the product description area
- Click “Ratings & Reviews”
- Click “Write a Review”
- Fill out the form, click "submit"
That's it! There are some shady folks out there, so please note that when your review is submitted, we have to review it for inappropriate content, cuss words, presidential threats, etc… so it may not show up for a day or so.
Thanks so much for sharing the love!